Kaylee’s Story
Kaylee Low is a wife and mom currently in the thick of parenting four children (ages 7 -15). Her post-secondary education is in nursing, however her work as an RN eventually shifted to full time Mom. Like most modern parents, her oldest child started asking for a cell phone in elementary school. She was aware of some of the possible risks, but she wanted to be sure about the right timing. Her gut told her grade 5 was too young. Around this time she attend a presentation by Collin Kartchner (founder of Save The Kids). It was the first time her ‘gut feeling’ was backed up by research and she left with determination to get more educated. Through her studies, she has become passionate about the effects of screens on the developing brain and has worked to create more awareness in her community.
For nine years Kaylee has been involved in school councils and in 2021 she organized for Save The Kids to travel to Canada and do eight presentations that involved parents and students from 12 schools in their division. That same year (after a 10 year break from social media), Kaylee began sharing bite sized amounts of information on Instagram @book_cram (from her favourite books written by doctors and psychologists), hoping to assist overwhelmed parents as we navigate our digital world.
In 2022, Kaylee began condensing her studied resources into various public presentations which she has been sharing with schools, students, parents, and various church groups within her community. In 2023 Kaylee completed a Level 1 certification for 'Tech Addiction and Digital Health’ through the National Institute for Digital Health & Wellness. She enjoys connecting with youth and parents as she shares her Intentional With Tech message.
Intentional With Tech Interviewed
We’ve been featured on a few different media sources; Check out the interviews to learn more about our story and ideas for healthy tech use.
The Epoch Times
(December 2023)
Save The Kids Podcast
(January 2023)
The Parenting Coach Podcast
(November 2023)
About Our Family
We’re an imperfect family doing our best to navigate this tech heavy world. We aren’t against technology. Rather, we are working to be conscious of the right tech at the right time. Slow and steady stages…
Every family is different. For us, we’ve decided to delay *smartphones as long as possible. This decision happened as a family, with ongoing discussions about what a phone might be needed for. As parents we seek to educate healthy phone use through our example and by sharing what we’ve learned. Our oldest just started using a talk & text family phone (with parental controls) part way through ninth grade. We’ve seen how family discussions can have an impact, as our son went from asking for a smartphone, to eventually expressing how glad he was to not have a phone throughout middle school. This hasn’t been an easy or popular path to take, however, it’s felt worthwhile and we continue to see it’s impact.
We strive to live life with intention, scheduling in one on one time with our children, having weekly family meetings, and spending time together in the great outdoors. Living in Southern Alberta, Canada, we love to be in the nearby mountains; hiking, camping, fishing, skiing/snowboarding, or hanging out in hammocks.
*Referring to a smartphone with untethered access to the internet, apps, and social media.